Integrated workflow for digital documentation of heritage at seismic risk: Emilia-Romagna historic theatres


This research began with an extensive review of current earthquake damage assessment procedures, standards and tools. This process culminated with the development of a workflow that integrates procedures to prevent and mitigate risks associated with potential emergencies. This workflow innovation was tested through several case studies using a systematic methodological approach. The study developed and applied an integrated digital documentation workflow adapted explicitly to the earthquake damage assessment of the historical theatres in Emilia-Romagna affected by the 2012 earthquake. The work started with identifying the main objectives and needs outlined by the Regional Agency for Reconstruction, highlighting the challenges in applying the existing Mic forms for damage assessment of complex cultural heritage sites: A-DC for churches and B-DP for buildings. The workflow is divided into three levels of information: a screening level for the visual assessment phases for 3D acquisition and the implementation of HBIM.