The Paradoxes of Innovation. Smartness, urban identity, and inclusiveness in Nice’s Green redevelopment


Municipalities’ adoption of Smart approaches in urban evolution requires understanding not only the multiple complexities underlying these models and the innovation introduced but also relevant aspects that may be missed or underestimated. Among these, the most complex to analyze and confront through design is the relationship between urban identity and its perception, between collective memory and the places that have defined it. Employing the French city of Nice as an example, the essay attempts to briefly illustrate the steps taken over the past two decades by the actors in this urban redevelopment process by analyzing recent evolutions. In particular, its conclusions aim to critically reflect on some radical approaches used for the existing built environment. Starting with the implementation of extensive naturalization projects and the adoption of policies to preserve the historic urban landscape, some choices seem to partially diverge from this protection goal, projecting toward the near future.